Sunday, 28 February 2010

Getting into face painting now

Did I get paint on my face?

I'm getting into this painting business

Water sliding - who is this girl?!?!

paint anyone?

Amelie shows off by sitting in the paint pot

Tilly tries feet painting

Holly & Mils swing together

Back to playcentre and painting!

I did this all by myself!

Doing the back head in the water

Taking the 10 month photo shot was a bit more challenging than the 9 month shot!
Where is Tilly hiding?

Here I am!
Amelie couldn't quite make it to the end of the day


Mils and Mills

Tilly loves Amelie's couch - it wrestles her back!

I went to Pumpkin Patch and icked out my own nightie!

Picnic time with Holly

Holly came to play and we baked biscuits!
Crawling for paper - I love paper



I've got flour on my lips
I move!

but get stuck sometimes in the bridge position!

Sisterly love

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Tilly on the move

Something is pretty funny...