Amelie born Saturday 19th May 2007 at 03:00hrs weighing 3.75kg and 54cm long.
Matilda born Wednesday 8th April 2009 at 16:00 hrs weighing 3.56kg and 49cm long.
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Waiting for the antenatal babies' party to start!
Team photo - Amelie, Harry, T'Keiyah, Kate, Olivia, Moey, Noah, Joshua, James, William, Scott and Luke - only missing Bailey who turned up five minutes later. Our little house was packed!
Cake time
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Lunch in Melly's washing basket
Tuesday's gang (l to r): Olivia, Kate, Noah, James & William, Scott, Harry and Amelie
Amelie doing squats at coffee group
Friday, 11 April 2008
An afternoon of peekabo - Mils has sussed out how it is done!
Eating the chop in the curtains after a tiring game of peekabo
Just chewing on my chop
The birthday twins - Moey and Mils at the beach
Ew this stuff is horrible!
Sitting still for more than five seconds
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Where the crime always occurs - destroying Dad's precious magnet collection!
But look how I can point my toe Mum!
Mmm looks good
Going in for the kill
I'm coming Nana
Made it!
Making a beeline for Nana's hair
Helping with the groceries
First lamb chop
What is this thing?
Crawling away from the scene of the crime
Monday, 7 April 2008
Grabbing a can from the fridge!
Mum, why has Noah sent me a photo of himself? Oh its 1st birthday time!
Whats in here? Oh my favourites
Are my arms long enough?
I'm so over photos
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Playing with Dad in the p pool
Into mischief again ... this time the fridge is about to get raided